Dogs for sale

dallas-blue-maleAll pups will have at least one puppy shot and bordatella and will be wormed every 2 weeks. They will also have their heart worm preventative to be given at 8 weeks.

Pups will have their vet check up at about 7 to 7 1/2 weeks. Then they are evaluated by the vet, me and another breeder/handler, before they go to their new homes.

 Read immediately!!!

Emmy gave birth to 9 pups March 23, 2021, 6 females, 3 males. One dark brown female available. All ready to go; has all shots, heart worm, etc. Absolutely beautiful. Mom is from a long line of champions and will finish her championship this year, OFA FAIR, clear of everything except she is a DM and PRA carrier. Dad is a Grandson of Chesabar Copper Mine (Tonka), OFA good, clear of everything. He too, will get his championship this year.   Pictures furnished upon request as well as pedigrees, registrations, etc. call for more information; Candy, 281-794-7878. Don’t miss out on this outstanding offering.


Big news!!!

Tina and Hagen do it again!!! Born 5/20/21, Tina delivered 3 males and one female. 2 Males available.  Tina GCH, Hagen, CH/MH. Please look on the Home page for all the info. Call or text for new pictures of these beauties. 281-794-7878, Candy. Pups will be ready to go to their new homes around 7/12. Don’t miss out on these very special pups!!!